Villas In Hainan Island

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"The team are quite the most helpful and pro-active team I have encountered in dealings with many sites. Their professionalism has resulted in a number of bookings which we are delighted to accommodate."

Ken Smith, Property 12069


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Property ID: 13773

Town House with Special Local Foods and Ancient Architectures

The house is with 5 bed rooms and.3 bath room, big living room, reading room(with computer and internet), kitchen, and big yard with flowers, trees and vegetables Big yard and fitness house…it is quiet but everything is convenient.

Property ID: 13770

Town Villa with Special Local Foods and Ancient Architectures

My villa is with 6 bedroom, 3 bath room, big living room, reading room(with computer and internet), kitchen, and big yard with flowers, trees, grapes and vegetables…it is quiet but everything is convenient.

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